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Hi, I'm Kate Doyle! 

Family website .png

Originally from Michigan, Chicago is my chosen home. I live in the Lincoln Square area with my husband (Lou), our son (Arthur), and our spirited rescue dog (Hank). We are so lucky to have Arthur's Grandma (Jenni) and Abuela (Lorraine) nearby. 


Most days, after work hours, you can find our family at the playground connecting with local parents and caregivers and sharing in the joy (and chaos) of raising kids.


As a working mom, I know how to juggle family, professional commitments, and community involvement. I want to model for my son the importance of community service and collaboration. 


I deeply value our community and its rich diversity, and I would be honored to represent your voices on the Board of Education. 

Special Education Teacher 

Corporate Community Engagment & Social Impact

Youth Workforce Development Nonprofit Founder

Community Leader & Nonprofit Board Member



  1. I listen - The newly elected school board presents an incredible opportunity to bring community voices to the table. I will work closely with families, educators, and community stakeholders to ensure your feedback, ideas, and concerns are heard. 

  2. I do my homework - This is an elected, unpaid position that requires 50+ hours of public service a month. I’ll do this with gusto because our community deserves a representative who relishes rolling up their sleeves in service of strong outcomes for our schools.

  3. I get stuff done - I am a builder at heart who believes in the power of effective communication, collaborative relationships, and taking action. I am interested in effective governance, which I believe requires a customer service attitude. I will work in service of my district, not in service of special interests.

Why am I running?

Elevating Community Voices

Growing Opportunities and Building Great Neighborhood Schools

I believe every kid deserves to attend a great public school in their own neighborhood. We must work strategically to grow opportunities at our neighborhood schools, from ensuring access to high-quality early education options to preparing our high schoolers for their postsecondary success plans. 


Centering Parent, Student, and Educator Voices

As a parent and a former public school teacher, I believe strongly that we need to listen to those who know our schools the best. As your representative, I will work closely with families, educators, and community stakeholders across District 2 and the city to ensure feedback and concerns are always heard at the highest levels.

Operational Excellence

CPS is home to 300,000+ students, 40,000+ staff, and over 600+ facilities, and a $9+ billion annual budget. It is a complex ecosystem that requires diligent and thoughtful oversight. As your representative, I will bring my financial management and operations experience to the role to ensure we are maximizing every dollar to benefit our schools and communities.

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